Harness the power of realtime data to solve real world problems with TAK
With TAK, your team can get oriented quickly, make better informed decisions and quickly respond to threats. Add TAK to your operations, and gain the unfair advantage.
Operational Success Starts with TAK
Complete Situational Awareness
Maps and situational awareness (SA) are critical to coordinated tasks in many contexts, including law enforcement, civil protection, and disaster relief. TAK has the ability to display a wide variety of map data, either stored or downloaded in real-time.
Streamlined Deployment
Points, routes, drawing objects, and files can be shared through TAK user defined groups, teams or simply broadcasted. From high command to the ground asset level, deploying with the TAK Common Operational Picture ensures safe, dynamic, and effective mission execution.
Cloud-Based Connectivity
TAK-SA Servers allow connectivity over wide and scalable networks. TAK-SA Servers can extend connectivity by federating across organisations for flexible collaboration and persistent command & control.
Off-Grid Communications
When operating in remote areas beyond regular network coverage, or when grid outages result in the complete failure of cellular communications, TAK-SA Off-Grid Communication Solutions ensure that connectivity with your team is maintained.
What's your TAK requirement?
TAK is a versatile ecosystem with a wide variety of use cases. Where do your current capabilities fall short? TAK can help bridge the gap.